Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Stress Eating During Busy Seasons

It's just that time of the semester. Very little sleep + a whole lotta stress equals a recipe for disaster when it comes to FOOD CHOICES. All of the hard work that you've put in to getting your booty in shape is about to fly out the window!
But does it have to? What can YOU do to set your self up for success when life just gets TOO BUSY and moves TOO QUICKLY to realize how many chances you had to make a great healthy choice?
Don't get me wrong, there has a been a few times this week when I've reached for the BAD stuff. Ya know, homemade banana bread, ice cream, cookies, soda, you name it, I've probably considered eating it this week.
And there have been a few times where I have completely given into that temptation. This is a JOURNEY and if I deprive myself 24/7 I'll never last. But that ISN'T an excuse to eat whatever I want and say "Oops! Guess I'll start over tomorrow!"
no. no. no. just because you break one leg doesn't mean you'd break the other, just like one bad choice shouldn't justify a chain reaction of bad choices.

Make the GOOD choices as often as possible. Smaller portions. Swap complex carbs for simple carbs (think FRUIT instead of BREAD), lean protein instead of fatty meats (CHICKEN instead of SAUSAGE). I won't give up bacon, it's all about moderation ;)

And get your WORKOUTS in. It will give you more energy and will help keep you motivated to not waste your workout on BAD food.
So how do I try to beat the cravings for all of the sugar, carbs, and JUNK during the busy seasons of life?
Keep FRESH FRUIT on hand. Cook LEAN PROTEIN in advance. Drink my Shakeology EVERY DAY. Especially when I'm not getting adequate sleep! It isn't hard to bake chicken two days a week. Or heat up some frozen veggies.
The trick is to season the healthy food in a way that makes it IRRESTIBLE to you and every bit as TEMPTING as the junk that you want!

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