Friday, December 26, 2014

Shakeology DOUBTS - Is Shakeology a SCAM?

I was a huge DOUBTER of Shakeology when I first heard of it. I mean, people TOUT the benefits of this little shake like it's the 8th Wonder of the World!
The first time I heard of Shakeology it was pushed on me SO HARD I thought it was a Shakeology SCAM. No one could believe in something that much and have it do SO MANY good things for you.
All I could think was "WOW these people are hippie-dippie, organic lovin', all-natural eating, folks with too much money to spend." Not judging them, BUT it was just how it came across. You know you thought it too! "Superfoods, all-natural, no soy, no GMOs, blah blah." And it was HOW MUCH for a 30 day supply?! Shakeology is a scam!
Yep, I was SO not on board with Shakeology at first glance. I honestly don't care if it's organic or all-natural. I care about the ingredients, it's track record, and how it WORKS for ME.
This girl is in college. NO WAY was I jumping on board with a shake that cost $130 without being entirely convinced. When you have a science-focused career and schooling like I do, you learn to RESEARCH and that's just what I did. I watched video after video, read papers, articles, and testimonials. All to determine if it was worth forking over my hard earned bucks to try out this magical shake.

And I'm so, so happy that I did. I knew that I was getting a quality product that had PROVEN results. And that was huge for me. Shakeology cuts back my HUGE cravings for sweets, is great for my BUSY travel schedule, and has taught me the value of eating GOOD food.
Eventually I realized that I was the only thing holding me back. There were SO many benefits holding me back from FINALLY hitting my weight loss goals and my DOUBT and RELUCTANCE to try something new was setting me up for failure. Shakeology was just one more thing that I "was sure wouldn't work" so why bother trying it! Um, HELLO. There is a REASON that so many people have hopped on the ShakeO bandwagon.
Because it's YUMMY. It's FILLING. And it's GOOD for your goals! Shakeology isn't just good for your insides or your digestive system, it's good for your BANK ACCOUNT because it costs less than $4 per day.  You can't even buy McDonald's or Starbucks for that!
Shakeology Scam Shakeology doubts
Shakeology can make a HUGE shake with only one scoop or packet. You can put all kinds of yummy things in it to make it your own. It may help lower cholesterol, lose weight, and increase feelings of happiness and self-confidence. LOL.
The best part is that the people who believe in Shakeology believe in it so much that there is a 30 Day money back guarantee IF you don't feel the benefits 30 days! WOW! A 30-day, bottom of the bag guarantee that you will LOVE Shakeology or your money back. HOW COOL IS THAT?!
You can get a SUPER CONVENIENT 30-day bag of Shakeology in any flavor (my FAVES are Chocolate and Strawberry) or 24 easy-to-carry packets of Shakeology at a time!
There is also a Shakeology sampler that lets you try it with NO COMMITMENT. I'm making this as EASY as possible for you to jump off of the ledge and finally try the ONE THING you have been missing!

 PLEASE friend request me so we can talk about your goals and I can help you! I don't want you to just order from me and be a name, I want to know you and hear what it is that you NEED, and that you're ready for a change like I was. Don't do it alone, let me help ya!
If you've been eyeing a workout program you can get a freakin' AMAZING deal by ordering the workout program and ShakeO together. This gets you some workout programs for as little as TEN BUCKS! And I'm all about saving money $$. Just check out all of the Challenge Packs!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Goal Setting

Goals are scary. Like, WAY scary. They scare me when I think they're unattainable, they scare me when I don't reach them. I even get scared when I REACH a goal. How SILLY is that?
It's true. As you get closer to reaching your goals you will be EXCITED, HAPPY, & yes, a little NERVOUS. Because it means you have to set new goals. New, big, hairy, scary goals! And what if you don't reach THOSE goals?
We aren't going to think that way. The key is to set attainable goals. Realistic, just out of your grasp, but attainable goals. Would it be realistic for you to jump into coaching and hit ELITE in 1 month? NO. But you CAN hit Emerald in less than a month. OR maybe even Diamond. Both of those are attainable goals that will still excite you because they show progress!
When it comes to your weight-loss or fit goals, don't set yourself up for FAILURE by setting way-out-there unrealistic goals! SURE, you can lose 50 lbs in a few months. But is that HEALTHY? Not necessarily. Is it a long-term solution? NOPE. But if you set a goal to lose 1-2 lbs PER WEEK, you will be a heck of a lot happier with your progress as you reach those goals!
If your goal isn't to lose weight, but rather to TONE or BUILD muscle, the same thoughts apply! You have to RETHINK your body, how you eat, how you exercise. You can't pack on 25 pounds of muscle easy-peasy, it takes TIME and dedication to eating the RIGHT foods at the RIGHT time while doing the RIGHT workouts!
SO, time for my big, hairy, scary goals!
I want to help TEN WOMEN take a step closer to reaching their goals and their dreams. Within the next 3 weeks!
I want to SWEAT OFF another 15 lbs by February 1st!
I want to be EMERALD by February 1st!
And I will be DIAMOND by April 1st! Ya know what, SCRATCH THAT. I will be DIAMOND BY MARCH 15th!
Gulp. That one just got a little scarier but a whole lot more FUN!
Your turn!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Stress Eating During Busy Seasons

It's just that time of the semester. Very little sleep + a whole lotta stress equals a recipe for disaster when it comes to FOOD CHOICES. All of the hard work that you've put in to getting your booty in shape is about to fly out the window!
But does it have to? What can YOU do to set your self up for success when life just gets TOO BUSY and moves TOO QUICKLY to realize how many chances you had to make a great healthy choice?
Don't get me wrong, there has a been a few times this week when I've reached for the BAD stuff. Ya know, homemade banana bread, ice cream, cookies, soda, you name it, I've probably considered eating it this week.
And there have been a few times where I have completely given into that temptation. This is a JOURNEY and if I deprive myself 24/7 I'll never last. But that ISN'T an excuse to eat whatever I want and say "Oops! Guess I'll start over tomorrow!"
no. no. no. just because you break one leg doesn't mean you'd break the other, just like one bad choice shouldn't justify a chain reaction of bad choices.

Make the GOOD choices as often as possible. Smaller portions. Swap complex carbs for simple carbs (think FRUIT instead of BREAD), lean protein instead of fatty meats (CHICKEN instead of SAUSAGE). I won't give up bacon, it's all about moderation ;)

And get your WORKOUTS in. It will give you more energy and will help keep you motivated to not waste your workout on BAD food.
So how do I try to beat the cravings for all of the sugar, carbs, and JUNK during the busy seasons of life?
Keep FRESH FRUIT on hand. Cook LEAN PROTEIN in advance. Drink my Shakeology EVERY DAY. Especially when I'm not getting adequate sleep! It isn't hard to bake chicken two days a week. Or heat up some frozen veggies.
The trick is to season the healthy food in a way that makes it IRRESTIBLE to you and every bit as TEMPTING as the junk that you want!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Beginning of my fitness journey

What's the number one thing that you struggle with when committing to losing weight?
beachbody coach, fitness, weight lost, freshman 15
I find that I'm committed SO much more when I have someone who is doing workouts with me, pushing me to hit my goals, or checking in to make sure I'm staying on track with my food choices!
Ever since my knee replacement last winter, I've had ups, downs, and all the twists that you could expect on a roller coaster. I've had a second surgery, months of therapy, new injuries, and days when I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to bend my knee the same again. Working out regularly gives me hope. It helps me stretch, relax, and get stronger. I'm finally using this new knee that I've had for almost a year now!
I'm going to use this website to share my journey to a healthier, happier, more confident ME. Okay, for those of you who know me, it's not necessarily the confidence that's always lacking ;)
But I want to feel better in my own skin. I want the outside of my body to match the **inside**
Do YOU want to commit to making a change? Finding the person that you haven't seen in yourself for a long time? Lose the baby weight, or the Freshman 15 (25 in my case!)?
Shoot me an email at dynamicbelles at gmail dot com!