Sunday, January 11, 2015

3 Day Refresh RESULTS

My 3 Day Refresh results are EXCITING!

Before I share the numbers, please know that the 3 Day Refresh isn't the easiest thing to do, but it is WORTH it. And here is why:

- I didn't have nearly as many food cravings at the end of the Refresh.

- I proved to myself that I eat more often out of BOREDOM than HUNGER.

- I felt SEXY as all get out on Day 4. Flat tummy, energy, + good sleep = happy me!

- Most importantly, I felt in control of FOOD for the first time in a long time.

Overall, it was the perfect way to start my 21 Day Fix Challenge Group heading into the new year! There were plenty of times when I wanted to quit. Luckily, I had an accountability partner doing the 3 Day Refresh with me over the weekend which (honestly) may have been the only thing that kept me going through Day 2. I was SO INCREDIBLY PROUD of myself AND my accountability partner for sticking through the 3 days even with the temptations of barbecues, home cooked meals, and traveling.

The hardest part of the Refresh for me was during Day 2. I went home for the weekend; it was SO hard to say no to my mom's delicious food! But when I told her what I was doing, she fully supported me and that was a great feeling. So tell your friends and family that you are on the Refresh so they can lead you away from temptation!

While I was at home on Day 2, all I could THINK about was binge eating so much food after Day 3 was done. I was picturing homemade stew, sausage gravy, biscuits, ANYTHING. I wanted to eat it all! But when I woke up on Day 3, I had NONE of those cravings. When I woke up on Day 4, I had two bites of 'bad' food, and didn't even enjoy it. It was a great feeling knowing that FOOD didn't have power over me anymore!

I also experienced headaches in the afternoons while on the 3 Day Refresh. Typically, they happened not long after I drank the Vanilla Refresh and gradually lessened each day.

My quick tips for the Refresh:

1. Plan ahead. Do it on a weekend without cookouts or trips home!
2. Shake the Vanilla Refresh with a ton of cinnamon in a shaker bottle, then add ice cubes.
3. Plug your nose when you chug the Fiber Sweep. After I had the taste/smell associated with it, I wanted to gag every time I had to drink it! But plugging my nose from start to finish helped.
4. Drink a TON of water. At least half your body weight in ounces, preferable at least a gallon a day.
5. Grocery shop beforehand to make sure you have everything you need.
6. If you do it on the weekend, don't try to meal prep for the week if you AT ALL have a weakness towards binge eating!

If you want to read more about it, you can click here to see what comes with the Refresh + Shakeology Challenge Pack!

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